Epée avec Maître Bodel

4 à 6 ans mercredi 14H30 - 15H30 Baby escrime Fleuret Maître Bodel 396€ prêt du matériel « escrime premières touches »
6 à 8 ans mercredi 13H30 - 14H30 Initiation épée électrique Maître Bodel 414€ Location veste et masque 60€ et équipement personnel
8 à 10 ans mercredi 15H30 - 17H00 Perfectionnement 1 épée électrique Maître Bodel 462€ Location veste et masque 60€ et équipement personnel
11 à 15 ans mercredi 17H00 - 18H30 Perfectionnement 2 épée électrique Maître Bodel 462€ Equipement personnel

Fleuret avec Maître Perrot

6 à 8 ans mercredi 15H30 - 16H30 1ères touche Apprentissage fleuret Maître Perrot 396€ Location du matériel de base et personnel
8 à 10 ans mercredi 17H00 - 18H00 Initiation perfectionnement 1 fleuret Maître Perrot 414€ Location du matériel de base et personnel
11 à 15 ans mercredi 18H00 - 19H00 Initiation perfectionnement 2 fleuret Maître Perrot 414€ Location du matériel de base 60€

Discover the game pleasure…


Young people learn fencing bases and are part of play workshop including competitions, arbitration training, and sport activities. Thus they have the opportunity to progress quickly but also to discover and participate fully in the life of the club.

During his learning process, the child will pass an exam of “blasons” of the French Federation of Fencing.

The “baby fencing” : 3 – 5 years old*


Teaching method and equipment specially adapted for kids between 3 to 5 years old.


Objective : discover fencing in a recreational and educative way thanks diverse activities.


The combat instructor will proceed to a test in order to evaluate children attention span during the lesson.


Fencing ” first hit ” : For 6 years old*


Your child can start learning fencing with the real weapon ( epee and foil), even if is not going to the “baby fencing” step before.


He fights with the speckled weapon safely with the equipment lent by the club. His technical and tactical bases are sufficient for him to start making matches, in conditions adapted to his level.

Improvement 1 : Between 8 to 10 years old*


Teaching is oriented towards the technical and tactic reinforcement. The child can fight in a traditional condition of assaults. Weapons used are the foil and the epee

Improvement 2 : Between 11 to 15 years old*


Teaching is oriented towards a technical and tactic reinforcement. The child can fight in a traditional condition of assaults. Weapons used are the foil and the epee.

Training : For 8 years old*


With the electric epee, a reinforced practice can be proposed to the motivated children presenting aptitudes for the official competitions of the league of Paris. Approximately 4 competitions during the years will be proposed to children who want to compete against opponents of other clubs. This practice is facultative.


The group « future » : between 11 to 15 years old*


When a child has a high potential of improvement, a group “future” is form and allow a personnel training using an electric epee and a participation at some internship organized by the club during holydays . These young people can participate in Paris league rallies and thus be detected.


*ages limit are provided as a guide

A deposit of 180 € is required for the rental of the equipment


JUNIOR RATES * for the whole season until the end of June 2022. License and insurance included. Possibility of payment over 3 months. Reduction of 15 € per person for members of the same family


RATES * students and under 20 for the whole season until the end of June 2022. Possibility to come twice a week. Possibility of installment payment over 3 months. Reduction of 15 € per person for members of the same family.


EQUIPMENT * preferential rates on equipment for club members.